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Home » Convergence

Convergence of Life and Prayer

Submitted by James Higginbotham on October 22, 2005 – 10:42 am2 Comments

In the first discussion of my theme “Convergence”, I want to discuss what happens when your life converges with prayer. First, let’s examine how Jesus approached prayer:

Mark 1:35: The next morning Jesus awoke long before daybreak and went out alone into the wilderness to pray.

So, how’s your prayer life? Been spending time alone early in the morning? Until a couple of months ago, I had been neglecting this particular part of my faith. What happened during those neglected times? Wake up. Shower. Eat. Leave. Work. Home. Sleep. Repeat. Sound familiar? If not, give yourself a pat on the back! Most of us, though, can’t seem to do it – too many distractions.

What’s the benefit? Let’s examine the immediate need that arose right after Jesus had His time of prayer:

Mark 1:36-39 Later Simon and the others went out to find him. They said, “Everyone is asking for you.” But he replied, “We must go on to other towns as well, and I will preach to them, too, because that is why I came.” So he traveled throughout the region of Galilee, preaching in the synagogues and expelling demons from many people.

Jesus, after having time in prayer, recognized that he had way too much work to do and not enough time to do it. He was being asked to return to Capernaum to help even more people in need. Yet, His prayer time focused Him on exactly what He needed to be doing – visit other towns.

Sound familiar? Overwhelmed? Too much to do – not enough time to do it? Spend time before the sun rises in prayer. Seek the Lord’s guidance and focus. Seek Him during the day, multiple times if necessary, to ensure that you are following His guidance, not yours. He will guide your day, focus your work, and in the process grow your walk with Him.

This is what God has been doing in my life – how about yours?

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