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Home » Convergence

Convergence of Prayer and Purpose

Submitted by James Higginbotham on November 1, 2005 – 8:53 amOne Comment

The last discussion of Convergence discussed how the convergence of Life and Prayer can remove the overwhelming things in your life and give you focus. Now, I want to discuss the next convergence: Prayer and Purpose.

Mark 1:37-38: They said, “Everyone is asking for you.” But he replied, “We must go on to other towns as well, and I will preach to them, too, because that is why I came.”

Notice how Jesus says, “that is why I came.” Jesus had a purpose and He knew what it was. How did He know what His purpose was? Let’s review verse 35 again

Mark 1:35 The next morning Jesus awoke long before daybreak and went out alone into the wilderness to pray.

His purpose came from His time of prayer, early in the morning, when the world is still. That is the time when family, friends, and work is not demanding of your time and you can be still before God and listen. Do you see what happened to Jesus when His prayer converged with the Father’s purpose? He knew when it was time to move on, not getting bogged down in work that was no longer God’s direction. I’m sure our Lord Jesus could have spent weeks, even months, serving the needs in that area alone! Does “getting bogged down” sound familiar? How about being overwhelmed? Are you serving in so many ways that your service is ineffective? Even Jesus knew that He had limits during His time on earth. Only by prayer could be be sure of what was next – He had many more lives to touch before giving His life at Calvary for all.

So, I challenge you: what is your God-given purpose? Are you spending your life in prayer, and your prayer time for purpose?

I’m really excited to hear about what your purpose is, or how this simple discussion may have impacted your life. Drop me a comment. And stay tuned – God has been doing some amazing things in my life that I hope to reveal when His time is right!

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