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Home » Church Leadership, Featured

What Is Your One Thing?

Submitted by James Higginbotham on September 8, 2009 – 4:48 am2 Comments

As leaders, we generally have one thing we tend to focus on. This is generally the way God wires us – with a focus toward one thing over all others. The problem is that we sometimes forget this fact.

For some, our one thing is vision - we know where God wants us to lead and we take others with us.

For others, our one thing is managing a team or teams of volunteers to make sure everyone is focused and moving in the same direction.

For the rest, it may be that we are really good at a particular skill and we like to train and invest in others to be able to do the same thing.

Whatever your one thing is, how are you complementing your leadership in the other things? We can’t all do everything – we need others to fill in the gaps. 

This requires us to be willing to give up some of our leadership to allow others to exercise their skills in our weak areas. Not good at managing? Find a manager to complement your vision. Missing some essential skills? Bring in someone to raise up the skill factor of your team.

Whatever your one thing is, you need to be prepared to allow others the fill in the gaps. Ask yourself what pieces are missing and what your one thing is – then complete yourself with other leaders. 

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  • Brandon Cox says:

    I hear what you’re saying and totally agree. I used to feel bad about all of my weaknesses until I realized I’d be more effective focusing on that one thing.

    For me, I must admit however, that there are two “one thing’s” that spring immediately to my mind when I think about what I want to focus my energy on: preaching well and discipling men.

  • Brandon,

    How exciting to know what your “things” are! How are you pushing forward with this – have you surrounded yourself with leaders that fill in the gaps yet?

    May God grow your ministry through your passion and surrender!

