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The Ongoing Leader: Growing Through Constraints

Submitted by James Higginbotham on May 26, 2009 – 5:09 amNo Comment

Leadership can be difficult when you are constrained: limited time, limited (or no) budget, and the constant need for volunteers.

Often, the best way to handle these constraints is to focus on what is necessary and leave the rest behind.

Little or no budget? Perhaps it is time to paint a stronger vision for what you want to do and see if you can get the budget you need. Or, perhaps it is time to get creative in dealing with the problem.

Missing the people or skills you need? Select the best solution that you can at the time and make improvements when possible.

Don’t have enough time? Be the best you can be in the time you have.

As a constrained leader, you can either lose hope or grow your ministry. Which choice will you make?

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