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The Incoming Leader: Becoming the Leader of an Existing Team

Submitted by James Higginbotham on May 11, 2009 – 5:19 amNo Comment

Many leaders don’t get the chance start a new team from scratch. Instead, they take over an existing team. This transition can be a difficult process for the leader.

Here are some things to expect as you transition into the leadership role of an existing team:

  1. Lack of trust – whether you are promoted from within or joining a team in progress, a new leader in an existing team starts with no trust. It will be your job to build it
  2. Policies and procedures – the team today has their way of doing things. It will be your job to find what works and fix what doesn’t
  3. Volunteer loss – things change and people may not be able to cope, causing you to lose part of your team. It will be your challenge to handle this as best as possible

Taking on the leadership role of an existing team can be a difficult task. However, it isn’t impossible. The rest of this week we’ll discuss dig further into this topic to help you transition into a new team.

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