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Home » Featured, Time Management

Value Time: Meetings

Submitted by James Higginbotham on March 17, 2009 – 5:50 amNo Comment

Have you ever been called to a meeting, spent an hour or more, and realized at the end that nothing was accomplished? This is more common than you think.

Many leaders don’t think about what kind of time they are taking away from volunteers when they call a meeting. This is especially the case for church staff, as they often work a considerable amount of hours per week. This means that their perception of time is skewed, since they are already working and mentally focused on the needs of the church. For volunteers, it often requires traveling to the church building or a nearby meeting place, shifting mental focus from work and family to church needs, and sacrificing time from family.

The next time you want to call a meeting of your volunteers, take these three questions into consideration:

  1. Do I have information that I need to share?
  2. Is there an open discussion that we need to have?
  3. Is there a decision that we need to make together?

Before you call a meeting, be sure it is important enough to your volunteers. Otherwise, you’ll waste their time, your time, and ruin your credibility when you have something important to share with your team.

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