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Home » Featured, Managing Your Ministry

Ministry Self Audit: Balance

Submitted by James Higginbotham on March 2, 2009 – 5:55 amNo Comment

This is the third week of a three week series on how to grow your ministry or cause through the process of self-auditing. Throughout this series, you will discover areas you can improve in your full or lay leadership role.

Ministry leaders must deal with a variety of things at once. They must ensure all volunteers are kept up-to-date, the tasks they perform are of high quality, their team is trained, and they are moving together in one direction. Balancing each of these things can be a challenge.

Does your team encourage direct communication between members?
Are you getting in the way or making a way for your team to be successful?

Are you defining what quality means for your team?
Defining quality ensures that everyone is focused on delivering the best solutions in the time given and challenges them to give their best every time.

Are you providing authority with the responsiblity that you delegate?
Delegating responsibility without authority prevents people from being effective.

Does your team have a roadmap that provides the big idea or big picture of the next several months?
Communicate your team roadmap early and often. Keep it up-to-date.

Are you depending upon your whole team rather than a few heroes?
Depending on a few heroes prevents allowing everyone to participate. It also makes you vulnerable to losing your team’s effectiveness if those heroes leave your team.

Are you sacrificing your family on the altar of ministry?
Family comes first, for both the leader and the team. Never expect others, or yourself, to give up family for ministry. It is isn’t healthy and never ends well.

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