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Home » Featured, Leading a Cause

Featured Cause: Pleasant Ridge Church

Submitted by James Higginbotham on February 26, 2009 – 5:54 am2 Comments

This week’s featured cause is from Tim Nations of Pleasant Ridge Church:

Please describe a ministry or cause you lead:

I’m in the process of developing my personal ministry “cause” out of the experiences I’ve had serving churches and non-profits over the past several years. I believe God wants His people unleashed to impact the world through the gifts, skills, and passions He has given them. Unfortunately, the demands of “doing church” often get in the way of leaders being able to mature, train, and release God’s people. My passion is to serve churches by facilitating strategic processes that will allow them to train and develop people who will transform our churches, communities and our world. My dream would be to leave congregational ministry and engage many churches for a broader Kingdom impact.

Please share a story of how your ministry or cause has positively impacted another person:

It’s been a blessing for me to work with some folks from well-know churches that are committed to changing our world–Saddleback, NorthCoast, and the like. But my favorite experiences involve facilitating for churches “off the radar” that are partnering with their communities to tackle issues such as addiction, sex-slave trade, poverty, etc, or churches that catch a new vision from God and run with commitment into a new future. For the last several years I have facilitated strategic planning processes for a church that went from a major decline due to a lack of vision, mission, and clarity, to thriving congregation operating out of purpose and focus. They are changing lives in fresh ways and have begun to release people in their community and to places around the globe to have an amazing impact for Christ. I’m blessed to be used by God to help them grow!

Want to share your ministry or cause? Fill out a short questionnaire and share what you are doing to others

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  • Tim says:

    James, thanks for the highlight. I must say I was a bit surprised to see my name “in lights” when I opened up the email. Since the writing of this piece, I have begun the process of transitioning from full-time ministry so that I can pursue the cause of equipping churches and facilitating strategic processes to increase Kingdom impact. Its exciting and intimidating. But if this is God’s calling for my life, He will make a way!

  • Tim, that sounds exciting! I’m glad to hear that you are starting to take the steps necessary to follow God’s lead. Many people never take that first step.