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Home » Featured, Managing Your Ministry

Ministry Self Audit: People

Submitted by James Higginbotham on February 16, 2009 – 5:48 amNo Comment

This is the first week of a three week series on how to grow your ministry or cause through the process of self-auditing. Throughout this series, you will discover areas you can improve in your full or lay leadership role.

Everyone has been given gifts. Leaders are to train others in skills to effectively serve the church and to help them to grow into spiritual adults. The result of this training is to create a rhythm: everyone working in step, depending upon Christ for breath and life, depending upon one another, telling others of the gospel truth in love.

Are you focusing your team on tasks or people?
This means that your team is willing to take longer to get things done if there is a ministry need in or around your team.

Are you meeting with your team members in person on a regular basis?
Time spent building relationships lasts longer than any completed task.

Are you keeping a prayer and praise list for your team members and praying for them consistently?
Praying for your team sets the proper mindset and prevents you from seeing them simply as resources to get things done.

Are you meeting the needs of each person in your team by understanding and focusing on what they want out of their time?
Volunteers need to get back, not just give. Each of us have a different love language, so discover what motivates each team member.

Are you meeting with your entire team on a regular basis (weekly, monthly, quarterly)?
Group meetings help remind everyone that they are part of a bigger team. It also helps to create better communication and motivation when they see everyone working together for a common goal.

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