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Home » Featured, Healthy Leadership

Healthy Leadership – Exercise and Eat Healthy

Submitted by James Higginbotham on February 11, 2009 – 5:49 am3 Comments

Being a healthy leader means taking care of your body. Many leaders often get so focused on their leadership role that they forget to manage their diet and exercise. New Year’s resolutions come and go, but the same bad habits remain.

I used to see my leadership as a sacrifice, even to the point where I failed to exercise or eat well. After God made me wake up and realize what I was doing, (taking years off of my life) I sought His help to change that. I simply decreased my portion sizes, watched what kind of foods I was eating (especially the ingredients of prepared foods), and created a daily exercise program. I now feel much better and through the process have learned to manage my time so that I can continue this program.

As leaders, we need to make the time to make these kinds of changes. You will have more energy, be more creative, have a healthier heart, and maybe lose some weight.

(Of course, check with your doctor before starting any exercise program and change in diet)

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  • What you write here sounds so simple and obvious…but it simply is not for so many leaders. I have violated these simple, yet complex, practices many times (especially over the past year with regard to exercise). You strike a chord close to home, my friend. Thanks for the reminder!

    Implementing healthy eating and exercise has a stong correlation to being mentally healthy as well.

  • David, thanks for sharing your struggles and for the reminder that it can be so difficult, even when it is so simple and obvious.

    I’ll be praying that you can improve your diet and exercise by making small changes each week.

  • Thanks James. I appreciate your prayers. I am starting an exercise routine this weekend and scheduling it as a non-negotiable in my week every second day. It will be tough but it is necessary…and I know I will be a stronger and healthier leader as a result.

    Keep up the great work!