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Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: Forwarding is Gossip

Submitted by James Higginbotham on September 29, 2008 – 5:24 amNo Comment

Are you one of the many that forward emails to others? You know, those cute little emails that contain some message to act to improve your luck, make money, or prevent some catastrophic thing from happening?

The thing we forget is that it is so easy to forward. Just hit the ‘Fwd’ button, type in a bunch of friends emails (we may even have auto-completion of addresses to make it even easier), and hit ‘Send’. That’s it! Now, all of your friends can read the email and take action as well.

The problem is that it is often easier to do this than to consider the consequences:

  1. You may be forwarding false information easily found on Snopes or other myth-buster sites
  2. You may be encouraging a new believer to do the same thing, causing them to stumble
  3. You may be ruining your witness to others by using someone else’s email to speak for you
  4. You are failing to say something meaningful over email in an impersonal way
  5. You may lose a valuable friend (I’ve seen it happen!)

Next time, stop and think before you Fwd:!

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