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Home » Basics of Ministry, Featured

Basics of Ministry: Get focused

Submitted by James Higginbotham on September 15, 2008 – 5:53 amNo Comment

As Jesus was preparing the followers for their ministry (Luke 10), He told them not to “move around from house to house.” As Jesus told them this, He was preparing them to stick with the place they had selected. They had to be focused on the area, accept what they were given, and minister to those around them. How could they remain focused on their ministry if they were constantly moving around everytime something didn’t go their way?

I sometimes see this house-to-house mentality in volunteers. They join a local church or para-church team to accomplish an amazing vision, only to stop a few weeks or months later when things don’t go their way. Maybe they don’t have the budget they need. Perhaps they are not experiencing the number of workers that they expected. Or perhaps they joined as a staff member but realized that the pay was too low and the benefits didn’t meet their needs.

If we are not focused on the calling of our ministry, we will easily get distracted and become ineffective. As ministry leaders, we are responsible for keeping our ministry focused for our volunteers. This doesn’t mean you need to do the same thing forever, but it does mean you must be responsible for what the team is doing (and if they are doing too much or the wrong thing).

Getting back to the basics of ministry means that we need to adopt focus. Focus your ministry for your volunteers and they will minister to others in amazing ways!

This is the third of a five part series on the Basics of Ministry

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