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Home » Church Leadership, Featured, Staff/Volunteer Leadership

Church staff want to know what your team is doing – inform them

Submitted by James Higginbotham on May 26, 2008 – 6:58 amNo Comment

Does your church staff know what your team is doing in the coming weeks? I have experienced situations where the church staff would have benefited greatly from knowing something as simple as the team plan for the next few weeks.

This kind of information allows them to understand what your team is going to be doing, how they can help, and if there are others in the church that may be able to help your team.

Whether you include this information as part of a team summary email or you provide this information separately, you need to keep your staff informed.

Keep the information focused on the big picture, not the details. Let them know the reason for your team’s actions. Allow them to provide input based on other teams in your church.

You’ll be amazed at how such a simple step in communicating will make your team more effective and your staff more willing to assist your team wherever possible.

This is part five of a seven part series called “7 Things Your Church Staff Wish You Knew”.

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