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Home » Church Leadership, Featured, Staff/Volunteer Leadership

Church staff like to know what your team has done – tell them

Submitted by James Higginbotham on May 22, 2008 – 6:57 amNo Comment

With all that the church staff have going on, they probably don’t know what you and your team have been doing recently. They want to hear the exciting things the Lord has been doing in your life and the life of your volunteers. They want to know what kind of improvements you’ve made, amazing God stories, and when people are hurting and need their help.

Make sure you are keeping the lines of communication open while keeping the technical details to a minimum. Write a very short summary email of what your team has done this week (2-3 sentences). Include areas where you could use some assistance. If they need more information, they’ll ask you.

They want to help you and your team be successful. Give them that opportunity!

This is part four of a seven part series called “7 Things Your Church Staff Wish You Knew”.

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