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Home » Volunteer Centered

Volunteer-Centered Thoughts: Your Next Calling

Submitted by James Higginbotham on November 27, 2007 – 10:44 pmNo Comment

Think about everything you do on a weekly or monthly basis. Could you summarize it and teach someone in a 2 hour period how to do it all, then take 6 months off? My guess is probably not, as most teams are more complicated than that. Preparing the next generation of leadership isn’t something you do a week before you move on to that new calling – it is something you must continually do.

I have performed leadership transitions two different ways. The first way is when I quickly dump things off to someone else. The second way is when I train new leaders over a longer period of time until they are comfortable taking over my various responsibilities. Though it takes a little more time during the course of normal leadership, it is much easier and more successful to grow leaders as you are growing your team.

Being volunteer-centered requires that you spend more time equipping your volunteers for future leadership. This series will teach you how.

Volunteer-Centered Thoughts are short posts during the week that expand on the series and focused toward subscribers of this site..

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